Make a donation
Thank you for your donation! Email gelt@missionminyan.org with any questions or for more information.
Sponsor shabbat
Sponsoring our meeting room or kiddush is a great way to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion.
Sponsor a Tisch
Most people chip in $36 to help cover the costs of putting on a tisch — please consider donating whatever amount works for you.
MAKE Another donation
There are lots of other costs we need help with: holiday celebrations, printing siddurim, hosting this website, and more. Contributions of all sizes are welcome!
Mail us a check
If you prefer to mail us a check, make it out to Mission Minyan and send it to:
Mission Minyan
2261 Market Street #447A
San Francisco, CA 94114
Please be sure to include your email address, phone number, and current mailing address on your check.