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Please enjoy these lovingly created recordings from the Mission Minyan community. We request that these recordings not be distributed beyond this posting. Thank you and we wish you a Shanah Tovah and good health in 5781!
Rosh Hashanah: Ma'ariv
Rosh Hashanah: Shacharit
Rosh Hashanah: Shacharit & MUSAf
Rosh Hashanah: MUSAF & Torah Reading
Rosh Hashanah: Slichot
Rosh Hashanah: Aryeh's Class
Rosh Hashanah: Becky's Class
Rosh Hashanah Recordings
1. HH PdZ 2020 IntroArtist Name
00:00 / 01:02
2. HH PdZ NusachArtist Name
00:00 / 00:37
3. Rebon kol haolamim RH275 YK483Artist Name
00:00 / 01:05
4. RabiYishmael_Mizmor Shir RH293 YK503.Artist Name
00:00 / 01:25
5.. BaruchShamar RH301 YK511Artist Name
00:00 / 02:45
6. T'filah Lmoshe RH313 YK 523 both bottArtist Name
00:00 / 01:43
7. Hodu RH319 YK529Artist Name
00:00 / 04:26
8. Ranenu Tzadikim RH321 YK531Artist Name
00:00 / 01:57
9. Ashrey RH 327 YK537Artist Name
00:00 / 02:15
10. Hall'lu Bkodsho RH335 YK 543Artist Name
00:00 / 01:46
11. Vayevarech David RH337 YK545Artist Name
00:00 / 01:35
12. Az Yashir RH339 YK547Artist Name
00:00 / 02:49
Yom KIppur: Ma'ariv
Yom Kippur: Shacharit & Musaf
Yom Kippur: Torah Reading
Yom KIppur: 6th Aliyah
Yom Kippur: Musaf 2
Yom KIppur: Singing & Neilah
Yom Kippur: Rabbi Derby's Class
Yom kippur Recordings
Yom Kippur Shacharit HaftorahArtist Name
00:00 / 07:08
YK-torah-rdg-aliyah1-JeffArtist Name
00:00 / 01:22
YizkorArtist Name
00:00 / 05:05
Yizkor Kel Malei.Av HarachamimArtist Name
00:00 / 03:49
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