About once a month, we have a community Shabbat dinner after services in the Women's Building. All are welcome to join for delicious food, drink, and singing.
We have services or special events for most major holidays, including a Purim megillah reading and party, Passover retreat, Shavuot learning, Simchat Torah celebration, and services for High Holidays - Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
For info on upcoming holidays, sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of the page.
Talmud club
Talmud Club meets every two-ish weeks (usually Monday nights, 7-8:45pm) in community members’ homes. No experience or Hebrew skills needed!
The first 45 minutes is often led by a guest teacher on a topic of their choosing - it doesn't have to include Talmud or even be Talmud related. Past topics have included Crisco and kashrut, prayer, and Jews in the military. No two weeks are alike!
The second 45 minutes is then typically group Talmud learning with Hebrew/Aramaic and English translation side-by-side.