SHabbat + meals
services: What to expect
Mission Minyan services use complete, traditional liturgy in Hebrew, with prayer books that include English and transliteration. We love to sing and collectively create energetic and spirited services together.
We have three sections in the room where we gather for our services: mixed or non-identified gender, self-identified men, and self-identified women. At Mission Minyan, a minyan (quorum) is 10 women and 10 men. Without a complete minyan present, we don’t recite certain prayers, including the Barchu and Mourner’s Kaddish.
Women read Torah and haftara, and lead Kabbalat Shabbat, P’sukei D’zimrah, and the Torah Service. Men read Torah and haftara, and lead Shacharit, Mussaf and Ma'ariv. Our services don’t include sermons, though we have occasional lunch and learns after Saturday morning services. Our services are also entirely volunteer-led so we’re always looking for more prayer leaders or volunteers to set up the room ("Shammas"). We’re happy to teach anyone who is interested in learning how to lead. We ask that the community refrain from using electronic devices during services.
All food served at Mission Minyan is hechshered (Rabbinically certified) kosher, prepared in kosher kitchens, and not cooked or carried on Shabbat.
Melodies & TUNES
Whoever is leading can pick which melodies they use, but click below to open up SoundCloud for some of our regulars and community favorites.